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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Planting trees helps remove carbon from the air and release oxygen back into the atmosphere, helping fight the effects of global climate change. The National Forest Foundation's campaign to plant 50 million trees addresses these effects head on. The foundation has already planted more than 11 million trees.

  • New Roots raises funds through its sales to help support the mission of the National Forest Foundation of reforesting ecologically devastated areas.

  • Trees are planted in all regions, especially those with a tremendous ecological need. Areas most in need have either been affected by a natural disturbance or have been historically altered. Here's a map of some places where trees are needed most.

  • Forest Service professionals plant native and ecologically appropriate tree species to improve ecological conditions for each specific forest.

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New Roots

New Roots provides top-quality, eco-friendly products with a better tomorrow in mind. Through our partnership with the National Forest Foundation, we pledge to plant new trees and restore the environment for future generations to enjoy.

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